XForms WD 20020821 3.3.1 Referencing Schemas - Catch 33?

It seems to me that there may be another Catch 22 in the referencing of 
schemas scenario.

Suppose I want to define a schema inside a document and to use some of the 
XForms datatypes which extend those provided by W3C XML Schema.

So (assuming we solve the referencing problem mentioned in the previous 
"Catch 22" post) how do we do that?

At first sight it seems that we can't.

The Schema for XForms indicates that the <xsd:schema> element is allowed as 
content for the xforms:model element. At least that was how I read the 
schema. So far so good.

However, the XForms datatypes are not as far as I understand things part of 
W3C XML Schema.

So is it possible to use XForms datatypes in a referenced schema? which is 
stated to be of type xsd:schema? If so, how?

Is the Schema for XForms overly restrictive? Needing amendment?

Or (always possible) have I missed an obvious solution?

Andrew Watt

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 12:34:45 UTC