RE: XForms WD 20020821 - 2.1 Code Error?

I think the example is correct. With the latest draft, the context node for
binding elements is the document root element. 

From Section 7.3 Evaluation Context:

1. The context node for outermost binding elements is the top level element
node, or the single node returned by /*. 

This is a change from the last working draft where the context node for
outermost binding elements was "/", not "/*".

Note that many of the examples have been using absolute XPath expressions
which makes the new evaluation context rule less obvious. That example is
actually the first place I've seen relatives used in an outermost binding

- Ryan

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Dennedy [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: RE: XForms WD 20020821 - 2.1 Code Error?

> From:
> The two parts of the example code do not seem, to me at
> least, to correspond.
> For example, the ref attribute of the abominable <select1>
> element contains the value of "method".
> If I was coding this I would give it the value of
> "root/method". This works in X-Smiles.

Good point, as this would be broken on my processor too, which requires
"root/method" as well.

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 09:32:07 UTC