XForms WD 20020821 - 2.2 What is a "top-level" element?

In the penultimate line of 2.2 the term "top-level element" is used without 
further explanation.

In addition, there is no definition for the term in the Glossary.

I assume that "top-level element" is intended to be interpreted as a synonym 
for a "root element".

It seems to me that it would be better to avoid the term "top-level" element, 
not least since the same term has a significantly different meaning in XSLT. 
In any case, as seemingly used in XForms the term "top-level" seems 

Once usage of the term "root element", or an appropriate substitute, is 
agreed then that term might be better used in place of "top-level" element.

Andrew Watt

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 09:26:33 UTC