- From: Sally Daugherty <sallyd@internationalexhibits.com>
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 13:29:06 -0700
- To: "'www-email-discuss@w3.org'" <www-email-discuss@w3.org>
International Exhibits Inc. is performing a beta test on an e-mail marketing campaign to promote our product lines. The intent is to provide an unobtrusive, cost-effective and environmentally friendly marketing campaign (compared to bulk mailings and fax-grams that kill trees). We would appreciate your thoughts on our approach. If you want to be removed from our data base please reply with the word "remove" in the subject line. Our hope is that you will visit our web site at http://www.internationalexhibits.com. Note: International Exhibits manufactures 7 product lines and is a distributor for another 20 product lines. I added an attachment on several new European Product lines that will be shortly introduced on our web site. We believe that these items will be a cost-effective solution to the rising gasoline prices. If you project any display needs please feel free to contact me at www.internatinalexhibits.com or by telephone at (360)769-9726. Warm Regards, Sally Daugherty General Manager International Exhibits, Inc.
Received on Monday, 14 May 2001 15:28:16 UTC