Re: Password protected sites

Try using the www4mail server in the USA:


On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Michael wrote:

> In FAQ I read next:
> Requesting Password-protected Web/FTP sites
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> User authentication support for password-protected sites is also available
> by www4mail.  To access such Web site/pages conforming to the pattern
> `protocol://username:password@site/directory' you need to know (and then
> pass on) the correct USERNAME and PASSWORD.
> In these cases send an e-mail
>            To:
>       Subject:          (... whatever you like)
> and write in the body of the e-mail:
>       http://username:password@site/path
> or
>       ftp://username:password@site/path
> where site/path is the machine,domain,directory,file you want to retrieve
> and the @-sign is used to separate the string `username:password' from the
> site/path.
> I use next line
> and
> but I get page
> and - not into my account. Why?
> Best wishes
> Michael

  E. Canessa, Ph.D     The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical
                       Physics - ICTP;   P.O.Box 586 - 34100 Trieste, Italy
                       Phone: (+39) 040 2240358    FAX: (+39) 040 224163
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         Fingerprint:  C0 6E 11 A6 A9 F5 5A DB  85 D1 F6 0F B4 64 86 94
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Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2001 08:31:36 UTC