Re: please ask <> to CANCEL ALL my past requests up to now

Hi Thomas,

Somehow the headache question was soon settled after I got a
total of 40MB.  The bug with> was: it failed
to answer requests instanatly but ,after 6 months, it suddenly started to
answer these 6-month-old but now utterly useless requests, thus causing the

Yesterday China was overjoyed to win the 2008 Olympiad.

Thanks for your belated but valuable help!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Knecht" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: please ask <> to CANCEL ALL my
past requests up to now

> Hi Jinys,
> maybe holding of requests for months prevents the server to refuse
> any incoming requests and keeps him busy for as many users as possible.
> Sending only a limited number of requests at once,
> could perhaps help you to avoid holding of these new requests.
> You could try to direct your wish for your past requests being cancelled
> to "Adrian Reyer" <>
> or to "Heron" <> .
> Sorry for this reply being late, I was out for some time.
> regards,
> Thomas
> "jinys" wrote:
> >Strangely enough,  recently <> have been
> >sending me my past (e.g. January 2001) requested webpages which are
> >now useless to me. My Inbox is every day being swamped by its
> >answers, some 2 MB long.
> >Could you please ask     <>  to CANCEL
> >ALL my past requests up to the present minute (i.e. up to now).

Received on Saturday, 14 July 2001 03:24:28 UTC