- From: 国际商贸大全 <ineday@777yp.com>
- Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:51:54 +0800
- Message-Id: <200112100152.UAA13110@tux.w3.org>
Dear Sirs, Pls forgive us to mail this letter to you without your permission. If you wish never to receive our e-mail again, please send a blank e-mail to ineday@777yp.com and your e-mail address will be removed from our mailing list. Thanks for your cooperation! Subject: Stocking service for furniture The China International Furniture Network , established at Sunde ,Guangdong which is the Furniture Capital of the world , is an information platform that serves the global furniture branches. Our Center is supervised by government and it provides complete service for the purchasing group s, from China or the world, and the import and export dealers ,the organ units ,the schools, the armies, the cabarets, the families. We cooperate with the distinguished mediums and the furniture manufactures ,dealers and the related organs and provide you the price of exporting, the furniture inspecting , the long-distance transportation and the furniture bough withdrawn,exchanged and repaired services. You won’t bother such things. You only provide the types ,amounts, price, and the delivery address of the furniture you will Buy or sell and we will do well all the other things and wait for you arriving. The link : Ms Wu, Ms Wang, Ms Luo TEL: +86-0765-8838091 Fax: +86-0765-8838092 E-MAIL: 777f@777f.com serve@777f.com www.777f.com (International Furniture network,china) www.777yp.com (China International Yellow Pages) The Furniture Purchasing Center China International Furniture network 家 具 采 购 服 务 您是否对心仪已久的家具款式“觊觎”多时! 您是否对商家承诺的家具品质疑惑不已! 您是否对昂贵的家具价格犹豫不决! 您是否对商家承诺的售后服务忧心忡忡! 还有出口、报关、运输、价格…… 在顺德乐从,十里家具长廊,万商云集,一万多个家具品种,琳琅满目;这是规模的优势,为您提供了更多更优的选择空间,但规模的背后,同时也意味着您有更多的长途跋涉,更多的劳累奔波,投入一笔不小的开销,再加家具材料的选择不同,生产工艺的良莠不齐,销售价格的悬殊。这些都是困扰您家具采购的原因。 中国国际家具网一一将为您解决凡此种种的困惑和忧愁,贴心为您服务。我们是政府部门监督,专门免费为国内外采购集团、进出口商、机关单位、学校、部队、酒店、房地产及个人消费者提供整套服务的家具采购中心,我们和海内外各大家具方面的知名媒体强强联手,和各大家具生产、供应商精诚合作,为您提供出口报关、家具商检、长途运输等一系列优化服务。 您只要提供购买或采购家具的类别、数量、价格、运货地址,我们就会及时组合相关生产企业和运输部门,作好充分准备,等待您的参观、选购。并承诺优质的售后服务,如您发现有任何质量问题,请及时将信息反馈给我方,我们会为您向企业要求保证退、换、修三包服务。 中国国际家具网采购服务中心真正使您在家具采购时买的开心、用的放心!让您趁兴而至、满意而归! 中国国际家具网 www.777f.com 家具采购服务中心 联系人:伍小玲、罗瑞琼、王艳、 采购热线:0765-8838091、8838092 传 真:0765-8838091 E-MAIL:777f@777f.com serve@777yp.com 地 址:广东顺德乐从国际家具博览中心二楼商务中心 邮 编:528315 如果我们的邮件打扰了您,我们表示万分的歉意,希望您向我们的发信邮箱(ineday@777yp.com)发一封无内容无标题的E-mail,我们将把您的E-mail地址从 我们的邮件库中清除,以保证不会再次打扰您,谢谢合作。 中国国际家具网 阿华
Received on Sunday, 9 December 2001 20:52:19 UTC