- From: 中国商贸大黄页 <ineday@777yp.com>
- Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 16:45:34 +0800
- Message-Id: <200112030846.DAA02190@tux.w3.org>
Guangdong Mengyu Bedding Co., Ltd., which is established in 1996, is a big enterprise specializes in bedding. Computer baste equipment, computer embroider equipment, and waterfowl quilt fully-automatic production line, which are top in the 90's, are fetched in in our early estabishment. With these equipments, the quality of our products are much better than the other companies' products. In recent years, "Mengyu" people are making more progress. With the spirit of exploring the market, and the rule of innovation management, "Mengyu" people create more styles and designs. Our products are: bedding series, mosquito net series, pillow flower series, waterfowl quilt series, pillowslip series, quilt sack series. "Mengyu Bedding, excellent quality". Contact Person: Weiming Guang Tel: 86-765-8851242 Fax: 86-765-8858636 Email: 777f@777f.com 广东梦韵床上用品实业有限公司,创立于一九九六年,是一家大型的专业生 产床上用品现代化企业。企业创建之初即率先引进九十年代项尖级的电脑绗缝设 备、电脑绣花设备及水鸟被全自动生产线等型设备,使一投产的产品即在质量上 立于高位,傲立同业之上。近年,“梦韵人”更秉承“顺德人”探索市场的勇气, 以“创新经营”为宗旨,务求产品的品质更加优异,产品的花式品种设计更加多 样化,以迎合人们生活质素不断提升后,追求更高品味生活的需要。 我们以质优、价廉、款式新颖的产品,高品质的服务供应高中档床上用品系 列、蚊帐系列、枕花系列、水鸟被系列,被套、枕套系列。 “梦韵寝饰、品质出色”。 联系人:关卫民 电话:0765-8851242 传真:0765-8858636 邮箱:777f@777f.com
Received on Monday, 3 December 2001 03:47:05 UTC