- From: Fair <dadong@>
- Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 17:11:33 +0800
- To: fair@tux.w3.org
参加"中国企业产品(网上)展览会", 轻轻松松做国际生意. 1.参展费用低。是普通交易会的千分之几. 2.交易面广。 世界任何国家客商均可到会采购. 3.交易方便。一天24小时展出交易,不受各国工作时差限制。 4.交易费用低。交易双方只需几分钱的通讯费用,就可以传递全部交易信息。 展览会网址: http://www.fair.net.cn http://www.china-fair.com Email: cem@cem.com.cn 中国企业产品展览会(China-Fair) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Invitation Letter of China Enterprise Products (Internet)Fair Ladies & Gentlemen: China Enterprise Products (Internet)Fair is the largest-scale products fair on the Internet, including district & craft exhibition halls, with features of more clients but lower cast, it absolutely imitates the design mode of real fair, supplies short way for Chinese enterprises to step into international market. Sincerely invite you to join this Fair & purchasing Chinese products. CHINA-FAIR http://www.fair.net.cn Email: cem@cem.com.cn
Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 08:45:37 UTC