suggestion to improve translation of error messages

Hi Clement Onime,

i am trying to download www4mail 2.4 by mail, i made a mistake in url and i received an error 404, display at the bottom of the mail. 
The help & tips line displays the correct HelpMessageError404 translation but I find it is not obvious to connect the translation with the original
 english error message if one don't understand english language. So, i suggest to modify theses kind of messages in help.hlp  from

HelpMessageError404     Veuillez confirmer le nom du serveur, la machine n'existe pas.


HelpMessageError404    Erreur 404 :  Veuillez confirmer le nom du serveur, la machine n'existe pas.

Are you agree with that?

hope to read you


PS 1:
your address

is not valide. Is it normal?

My address and so on will be invalidate at the beginning of march (i quit my job). Use only

Received on Friday, 28 January 2000 11:03:10 UTC