www4mail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de: ERROR REPORT

Ok folks,

Why was this URL forbidden?  It must have something to do with the word,
"domestic", because the "consumer" index didn't.  I can't see any "flag"
words in "domestic".

A friend to the undertow.

From: www4mail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
Subject: ERROR REPORT (URL - http://www.usps.gov/consumer/domestic.htm)
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 05:31:23 +0100

Dear User,
Statistics of your (per week) usage of this service
Remaining Quota :	144
Used Quota      :	6
Last access     :	text on Wed Feb 23 04:34:34 2000

Details for Current Page
URL             :  http://www.usps.gov/consumer/domestic.htm
Mail Received   :  Wed Feb 23 05:31:18 2000
User Option(s)  :  xformreply=text

HELP TIP: 	For more information send the command "help error"

Please report BUGS to : Adrian.Reyer@rus.uni-stuttgart.de

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Error 403  - Forbidden - Access to requested page/site is forbidden

Received on Saturday, 26 February 2000 16:18:38 UTC