FW: Requested (URL - http://mp3.attin.com/English/other/grammy/Ma nbo.mp3)

Dear Sirs, 

I try to get a binary files from www4mail server and the result that I got
is in HTML format or like below message. 
How can I get a binary files as a binary file attachment ? 

Thank you, 
Djono Danu

-----Original Message-----
From: www4mail@web.bellanet.org [mailto:www4mail@web.bellanet.org]
Sent: 02 Agustus 2000 10:02
To: Djono.Danu@metrodata.co.id
Subject: Requested (URL -

Dear User,
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Details for Current Page
URL             :  http://mp3.attin.com/English/other/grammy/Manb
Mail Received   :  Tue Aug  1 22:59:48 2000
Request Process :  Tue Aug  1 23:00:43 2000
Delivery Time   :  Tue Aug  1 23:02:09 2000

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504 超过了最大客户数

   由于请求过多,请求 '/English/other/grammy/Manbo.mp3'
    [1]thttpd/2.16 29feb00


   1. http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2000 00:07:59 UTC