- From: Varro Mihaly Janos <MJV1@oki1.joboki.hu>
- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 09:15:22 +100
- To: www4mail-comments@w3.org
My Dears, At first I would like to thank you for your service. For me, who has not Internet access at the workplace only e-mail, the only link with the web is through web-mail servers. Thank you again! Now, at 21 April, at www...trieste I had a quota of about 294, and, at 25 April, -3!!! I do not remember if I asked any very large doc, exe etc. (Neither there is any copy in my folder of such an ask - I usually archive the asks till receiving.) If 'every ask is archived', pls check it and send me which asks used these quota. Thank you. Mihaly Janos Varro, MD Nat. Center for Publ. Health Nat. Inst. of Environ. Health Budapest, Nagyvarad ter 2, H-1096 Hungary Phone: +36-1-215 2250, fax:+36-1-217 1910
Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2000 03:14:28 UTC