- From: Dietmar P. Schindler <schd@mra.man.de>
- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:19:11 +0100
- To: onime@ictp.trieste.it
- Cc: www4mail-comments@w3.org
>From: ONIME EHIMIKA OHIREIME <onime@ictp.trieste.it> >Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 16:39:37 +0100 (MET) > >www4mail does not encode html pages, it just attached them as a text >document of MIME type text/html. >For now the available workarounds are using the XUUENCODE, XMIME or using >GETSIZE to force auto compression using zip. Dear Clement, thank you for your advice, but I don't understand two things. 1. How can XMIME be of use here? The help file says "... using XMIME you can force the sending of html attachments using a MIME header of application/html". In which way does this affect the body contents? 2. How can I use GETSIZE to force compression? I tried with a size greater than the document length and received it uncompressed. Did you mean to use a size less than the document length? In this case I would have to choose a very small size, because I don't know the document length before I receive it, and larger documents would then be sent in a great lot of parts. However, using XUUENCODE is an acceptable workaround, even if I always get an extra message with it. Best regards, Dietmar
Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 09:19:42 UTC