Re: why?

The following behaviour is for the Server.
First www4mail tries to deliver directly to your mail domain name. This
fails in your case beacuse, you have a Mail Exchanger host.

Now this behaviour is common to all www4mail servers
Now the mail is handed over to the local MTA (sendmail).
Sendmail sends smaller files first, which means you get the last part
first as it usually smaller. Then since the rest are large files, sendmail
queues them for later delivery! Usually, this may mean that as long as
there small files to send, your mails would be delayed!

Okay, I expect that you will get the missing parts in a few hours from

I shall try to improve the mail delivery service!

Clement Onime
PS: Io parle italiano un porco... Ma, E buono, tua ingelese!
(I only speak a little italian but your english is good!)

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Hi !
> I am using your www4mail to get technical informations from Internet.
> Because I have no access directly to www, and the System where I work 
> uses MSMail, I send requestes by this MSMail, open the received html 
> form with Netscape,  choose documents and/or files and reply again by Netscape.
> It Works.
> I'm trying to get a pdf document :
> If i send to www4mail via MSMail the above line, I get only the LAST 
> attachment :
> (Final 8 of 8) - 68030um_.008
> Where are the others seven ?
> I tried with "GETPART 1-8", but again I received the last one.
> I tried "XUUENCODE" ; I received the second, third, and the last one.
> I'm now specifying "GETPART n" eight times
> I must say that www4mail works fast , sometimes I receive an answer 
> within 30 minutes (or less in the early morning), but this strange 
> behaviour disappoints me. The HELP says that a document will be 
> splitted if is larger than 300k, and parts will be sent by separated 
> e-mails. Must I specify any command in the request to get ALL parts of  
> the whole file ? Or is there an other problem ?
> 	Best regards
> PS: Posso scrivere anche in italiano  ?
> 	Paolo Zecchin
> 	Trieste  -  Italy

Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 03:16:56 UTC