- From: <KF4TVU@cho.win-net.org>
- Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 19:15:52 -0500
- To: www4mail-comments@w3.org
From: KF4TVU@cho.win-net.org To : www4mail-comments@w3.org Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 19:15:52 -0500 Hello: I requested the following URL in order to determine the latest version of my Airmail ham email software: http://www.airmail2000.com/science.htm The system did not report back with the web page. The error message I received was probably generated by my ham email service. This is odd because I've successfully retrieved this same web page on previous occasions. I think that the atolweb response contained stuff other than plain text whereas the ham email is restricted to plain text. Since you undoubtably have other ham email users, I wonder if this is something that bears looking into. Thanks. Regards, Peter Hendrick s/v Miss Adventure Response received: ------------------ Dear User, Statistics of your (per week) usage of this service =================================================== Remaining Quota : 299 Used Quota : 1 Last access : Details for Current Page ------------------------ URL : http://www.airmail2000.com/science.htm Mail Received : Sat Nov 6 17:17:33 1999 Request Process : Sat Nov 6 17:17:40 1999 Delivery Time : Sat Nov 6 17:17:53 1999 HELP TIP: Try our new help system send the command "help index" Please report BUGS to : www4mail-comments@w3.org WEB <-> E-mail Service by www4mail version: 2.4 running on wm.ictp.trieste.it WWW4MAIL Version 2.4: For more information send HELP INFO Notice: All requests to this service are stored in log files. Disclaimer: The provider of this service cannot be held responsible for the contents, presentation or mis-presentation of supplied documents. -- ***************** Plain text part of multipart mixed All attachments have been discarded. Remind users: Plain text only, no attachments. ***************** *** To Reply: Send: SP NEXUS@W4NPX.#CVA.VA.USA.NA EMail Address: www4mail@wm.ictp.trieste.it Followed by: Subject/Body of message *** =============Routing============= R:991106/2016z @:W4NPX.#CVA.VA.USA.NA [Charlottesville] Z:22911 #:42253 ********** NOTICE: Mail to the sender of this message is via a (slow) radio link. PLEASE be brief and send only PLAIN TEXT. Consult the help file for your EMail program for information on how to send Plain Text messages. Also DO NOT copy the sender's messsage text back to them. Processed by Amateur Radio Station W4NPX, w4npx@sprynet.com using NetLink (c) 1996-99, W5EUT, KN6KB For Help - http://www.win-net.org
Received on Saturday, 6 November 1999 19:18:45 UTC