Re: xmylang=de/help advanced (www4mail at ictp trieste)

Okay, I will work on the help advanced.

Really, I forget what the help advanced cookies is supposed to do.
Minimaly it checks for the existence of a certain file and reports an
error, if it fails.

I shall test further.

Clement Onime

On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Thomas Knecht wrote:

> 'help advanced' under option 'xmylang=de' returns
> the english help files. As the english texts are surely
> the master texts, maybe this is by intention?
> But anyway I'm sorry, that I'm still missing the idea behind the 'advanced'
> help feature, e.g. 'help advanced cookies' raises an error.
> Are these traces of something projected?
> regards,
> Thomas Knecht

Received on Friday, 5 November 1999 11:19:07 UTC