Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: What's wrong?

Hmmm, since I'm using your service I ever used the 'GET'-command because for
what it's used at the end the returned result was nearly perfect. I ever got
back an attachement including the text version of the url requested, but
converted to the right font specs, so including conversion to 'ä ö ü ß'.
I will attach a previous sample return to this email. Maybe that was wrong
behaviour of your system, but for my needs it was exactly what was/is needed!
(As you can see out of the attachement, your service was heavily used that time
;-) ). If I use the bellanet-service right at the moment, their 'GET'-command
brings up exactly what I got from you before ... and that's what I need!!!

Hopefully this 'discussion' is of any use and doesn't annoy you ... If so,
please tell me!

Best wishes

Michael Koch

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 1999 04:28:15 UTC