- From: Rolf H. Nelson <rnelson@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:14:09 -0500
- To: onime@ictp.trieste.it
- CC: www4mail-comments@w3.org
I don't know what the w3mail system implemented, but I know getweb allowed cgi queries in two ways. The easy way to implement, which agora implements as well, is to allow commands like "get http://altavista.digital.com?search=bar" to be passed on to the webserver. I assume www4mail does this as well. The hard way to implement is parsing the filled out ascii form. Probably atleast one third of the getweb development, debugging, and user support time was spent getting the forms to work correctly. While the form support is useful, I would understand if you prioritize on other things like ease of use and shaking out any bugs in your current system before starting to undertake the ambitious project of parsing filled out forms. Keep up the good work! -Rolf >>>>> "ONIME" == ONIME EHIMIKA OHIREIME <onime@ictp.trieste.it> writes: > Well, it appears that w3mail and getweb provided some means of > filling forms by e-mail. > www4mail caters for that by assuming that you can use a web > browser to answer the form and send the reply by e-mail to the > www4mail server. > Would it be worth the effort to develop a parser system (for > www4mail) specially for filling forms by e-mail only techniques > ?? > How similar should it be to the getweb or w3mail system? > Please lets discuss or comment on the above points or issues? > Thanks Clement -- | Rolf Nelson (rolf@w3.org), Project Manager, W3C at MIT | "Try to learn something about everything | and everything about something." --Huxley
Received on Thursday, 11 March 1999 16:14:14 UTC