JS error


Using the XBYJS I receive an error message from by browser.

OS  NT 4.0
Browser  MSIE   3.02

Microsoft JavaScript compilation error
Line 62 Syntax Error
targetImage.src = newImageSrc;}}}

If I save the attached web page and changes the line to
targetImage.src = newImageSrc;
it works.
And selecting links also works (at least partly) 
Result is  (for example): 

Maybe it is possible to update the perl script to incorporate the <CR> ??

Kind regards
Asbjorn Riedel

PS.  Thank you for wwwmail . It works great
Asbjorn Riedel

Work:  +352 4499 2 (2691)

Received on Friday, 25 June 1999 14:03:01 UTC