Fw: [was Form posted from Microsoft Internet Explorer.] Requested (URL - http://host.awwm.com/texel/p2tnt.gif)

Dear Sirs,

Why attached file has not properly extention and name?

Best Regards,
Alexey Zorin
Delcam-Russia CAD/CAM software website

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From: WWW by MAIL Gateway <www4mail@wm.ictp.trieste.it>
To: bnp@l3983.dd.vaz.tlt.ru <bnp@l3983.dd.vaz.tlt.ru>
Date: 22 èþíÿ 1999 ã. 14:47
Subject: [was Form posted from Microsoft Internet Explorer.] Requested
(URL - http://host.awwm.com/texel/p2tnt.gif)

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Received on Tuesday, 22 June 1999 06:50:05 UTC