- From: Dmytro L. Groisman <dgroism@amnesty.vsmu.vinnica.ua>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 17:40:25 +0400 (MSD)
- To: www4mail-comments@w3.org
Dear Service Administrator! My name Dmytro Groisman, I work in Amnesty International group in Ukraine. I have use your service www via e-mail about last 3 monthes, and I find it extremmelly necessery in my human rights work. But unfortunately all my requests to the service from past 7 days are ignored or rejected. I have not any explanation on this pity situation. So I just want to ask you kindly check my account, that I will have an opportunity touse your service in future. With best regards from Ukraine, Dmytro Groisman
Received on Wednesday, 28 July 1999 10:46:44 UTC