- From: ONIME EHIMIKA OHIREIME <onime@ictp.trieste.it>
- Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 10:39:39 +0200 (MET DST)
- To: "Dietmar P. Schindler" <schd@mra.man.de>
- cc: www4mail-comments@w3.org
Dear Dietmar, I must thank you for your patience in hunting out the hidden bugs in www4mail. I should say that your comments & suggestions have been most helpful. Okay on this bug, it is yet another hidden bug. I have made changes to two subroutines (check_url and break_tag) in order to fix this. check_url - Added a check for data portions of URLs when extracting the basename, aparently the data part (verything after the ? sign) can have the / sign. break_tag - This routine is used to parse HTML TAG entries Well, it could also break a line into parts I made the tests stronger, so it split by checking for a space or a = sign. Okay, that fixed it.. The new version is up and running on www4mail@wm.ictp.trieste.it and I will send out a new patch by Monday 05 July 1999. Thanks Clement Onime On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Dietmar P. Schindler wrote: > Dear Clement Onime, > > before reporting a presumed bug, let me thank you for providing the > valuable www4mail software and your continuous improvements. Well... > > It appears to me with web pages containing "refresh" links in certain > cases www4mail outputs the "Warning - This site may have moved to :" > with an incorrectly constructed value. Consider the following reply: > > <HTML> > <FORM METHOD = POST ENCTYPE = "text/plain" ACTION ="mailto:www4mail@wm.ictp.trieste.it"> > <INPUT TYPE = hidden name = XBASE value = BASE HREF  "http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.home?pURL=" > > <HR><TABLE BORDER=0 COLS = 1 WIDTH = "100%" BGCOLOR ="#FFFFFF" NOSAVE><TR><TD><FONT COLOR = "#000000">Warning - This site may have moved to : <INPUT TYPE = radio NAME = XGET VALUE = http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.home?pURL= > <u> http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.home?pURL= </u><br> </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><HR> <HEAD> > <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=mall.mallhome?pWkorbid=1902435687012434&pURL=193%2E158%2E37%2E21%2Fisdn%2Findex%2Easp"></HEAD><BODY></BODY> > > <BR><CENTER><HR><TABLE BORDER=0 COLS = 1 WIDTH = "100%" BGCOLOR ="#FFFFFF" NOSAVE><TR><TD><FONT COLOR = "#000000"> Click here to <INPUT TYPE = submit NAME= XSCS value = "Get Selected Document(s)"> for LINKS only. Click <INPUT TYPE = reset value = " Undo "> to reset all selections.<BR> <INPUT TYPE = checkbox NAME = GETPS value = 1> Check this to get Postscript version of all selected WEB document(s).<BR> <INPUT TYPE = checkbox NAME=XDOCINFO value = 1> Check this to get only information on all selected WEB Document(s). <BR> <INPUT TYPE = textbox NAME = GETSIZE SIZE = 6 MAXLENGTH = 6> Enter maximum size of reply(s) from WWW4MAIL in bytes only (307200 max). <BR> <INPUT TYPE = textbox NAME = GETPART SIZE = 10> Enter file part(s) to retrieve, (examples: 1, 2 6-10 ) [leave empty to get all parts]. <BR> Extra Options: <INPUT TYPE = textbox NAME = XEXTRAOPT SIZE = 30 VALUE = ""> > </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><HR></CENTER></FORM> </HTML> > > The URL of the original document is: > > http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.home?pURL= > > The refresh content refers to the relative URL: > > mall.mallhome?pWkorbid=1807912569682486&pURL=193%2E158%2E37%2E21%2Fisdn%2Findex%2Easp > > www4mail says "This site may have moved to :" > > http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.home?pURL= > > The correct refresh URL I think would be: > > http://www.shopping24.de/mall/cgi-bin/mall.mallhome?pWkorbid=1807912569682486&pURL=193%2E158%2E37%2E21%2Fisdn%2Findex%2Easp > > www4mail seems to have put the refresh content after the rightmost "/" > of the original URL. While this is normally correct, it isn't in this > case, because the rightmost "/" belongs to a URL-encoded argument value > instead of the document path. Perhaps a solution would be to search for > the "/" from the "?" (which marks the argument list) to the left. > Also www4mail seems to have truncated the resulting URL after > "pWkorbid". > > Saluton! Dietmar P. Schindler >
Received on Friday, 2 July 1999 04:43:25 UTC