Re: extra CR/LF in GIF

I tried to request fo the same file from the
server and I got the image okay.
Saving and viewing was fine, without any problems...

Could you check if the MIME Description is "GIF image data, version 89a,
460 x 57,"

If it is not then the www4mail server did not see it as a GIF file,
Probably the error was from the remote site...
If it is then www4mail saw it as a GIF file.. It is not easy to say where
the error came in (somewhere between the www4mail server and you)...

Clement Onime
On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Dietmar P. Schindler wrote:

> Dear Clement,
> today I received the base64 encoded GIF file
> that neither netscape nor xv could display (of course after decoding). I
> looked into it and saw an extra CR/LF pair at the beginning of the file
> before the characters GIF with which it should actually begin.
> Could www4mail have incorrectly inserted the CR/LF?
> Best regards,
> Dietmar

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 1999 03:19:21 UTC