- From: David Parrott <David.Parrott@reuters.com>
- Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 10:07:59 +0100
- To: www-drm@w3.org
Larry makes some very interesting points. On the subject of any distinction between XACML and other rights management initiatives in terms of scope and applicability I would say the following. A good number of companies have for many years been in the business of defining access controls, contractual relationships, intellectual property boundaries, security mechanisms for distribution channels (legal and technical), and so on. The current, fairly widely scoped aims of certain rights and obligations management initiatives gives us the opportunity to unite these activities in a mutually compatible set of machine-processable languages. The benefits of doing so are enormous. If, at this stage, we allow mutual incompatibilities between standards to evolve, because they are operating in slightly different, but overlapping spaces then the opportunity is lost. One way to achieve compatibility is to encourage cross-standards participation, awareness, and discussion. Only time will tell whether this is achievable. Regards, /Dave. _ ______________________________________________________________ Dr David J. Parrott (Chartered Engineer) Chief Technology Office Reuters Limited, 85 Fleet Street, London EC4P 4AJ, UK. Direct Line: +44 (0)20 7542 9830, Fax: +44 (0)20 7542 8314 Email: David.Parrott@reuters.com, dparrott@acm.org On 25/04/2001 23:17:45 Rigo Wenning wrote: > ----- Forwarded message from Larry Gussin <ldgussin@home.com> ----- > > Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 13:05:50 -0400 (EDT) > Message-ID: <007501c0cdaa$4991cc00$16c60b41@pwtkt1.ri.home.com> > From: "Larry Gussin" <ldgussin@home.com> > To: <www-drm@w3.org> > Subject: [Moderator Action] RE: XACML - Extensible Access Control Markup > Language > > Hi, > > I believe several worlds are colliding here. > > The XACML press release equates "access control" with "rights management", but > in scanning the XACML discussions over the last few months > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml-discuss/, I find no mention of > rights management among over 100 messages - except a brief mid-February query > about and dismissal of the importance of XRML and Contentguard to what they > were doing. Nor anything about W3C DRM or MPEG 21. Likewise no mention of XACML > among W3C DRM folks. (Nevertheless, XACML grows out of IBM, which as a > corporate entity has been involved in DRM for many years; while Reuters also is > keeping a hand in both places.) > > I'll suggest this distinction, hoping to learn from criticism: > > XACML grows out of an effort to use XML to incrementally extend enterprise > access control capabilities - primarily server session based - to the current > Web. It is a response to strong current enterprise markets demand. Its frame of > reference is other XML-based efforts aimed at helping enterprises build out > their extranets, in part through interoperability. > > (Here, as evidence, is from a Feb. 21 announcement of the XACML discussion list > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml-discuss/200102/msg00000.html: "The > scope of discussion is eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML), which > addresses security related specifications orthogonal to the efforts of the > existing Security Services OASIS TC. Whereas the Security Services TC exists to > define an XML framework for exchanging authentication and authorization > information, XACML is concerned with the representation of access control > policies as XML and the application of these policies to XML documents. The > people requesting the creation of this discussion list have discussed this > effort with the existing Security Services TC, and that TC agreed that this > work is best carried out as a separate, though coordinated, effort rather than > as a part of the Security Services TC.") > > DRM, on the other hand, is accruing a community (eg., AAP, MPEG) intent on > building pervasive rights management support into an envisioned future Web. It > is far more philisophical and - in terms of conceived applications - for more > comprehensive, but it is less tied to existing markets, and therefore perhaps > less embedded in reality. By reality I would mean: what will be the > equivalences between addressing logical complexities and addressing real world > problems? > > Comments? > > Larry Gussin > > ----- End forwarded message ----- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- Visit our Internet site at http://www.reuters.com Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of Reuters Ltd.
Received on Thursday, 26 April 2001 07:46:21 UTC