W3C DRM Workshop Statement of Interest

>To facilitate workshop planning, anyone interested in
>participating should send a statement of interest to 
>www-drm@w3.org stating:
>that somebody from your organization will attend the workshop 

Though an HP employee, I am submitting this statement of interest on behalf of
my involvement in the MPEG-21 standardization effort within ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29
WG11 (MPEG).  MPEG-21 is an effort to create an ISO/IEC standard for a
multimedia framework.  Digital rights management is a key component of this

>who will attend 

Mark Rowe, chair of an MPEG ad-hoc committee responsible for the MPEG-21
outreach program (a program to identify and proactively engage other
standardization activity relevant to MPEG-21).

>when your position paper will be ready (preferrably with an abstract) 

A position paper will be submitted by the Dec 22 deadline (hopefully sooner).  I
expect it to be a brief paper outlining the DRM requirements for MPEG-21 and the
desire of MPEG-21 to incorporate other standardization work where possible.

>any experts that you think could be invited 

Given the expected timing of an MPEG-21 DRM specification, I would be most
interested in experts representing currently spec'ed technologies or
technologies that could be spec'ed within a few months.  Representatives of
current MPEG-4 DRM work would be valueable.  Neils Rump of InterTrust
(rump@intertrust.com) or Mike McGinty of Telenetix (mike@telenetix.com) are two
possible suggestions.



Mark Rowe          email: mark_rowe@hp.com
Hewlett Packard    phone: (541) 715-3246
Corvallis, OR      FAX:   (541) 715-3430

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2000 14:01:07 UTC