RE: Summary to date please?

Guessing many of us also read xml-dev, 
could I request someone try a summary of
the play to date as is oft done by Peter.

Agreed items (to be challenged if necessary)
Issues still unresolved etc.

My attempt as of todays date:


1. XPath support to the DOM  is percieved as useful
2. will be generated by others if not by this group over
   the next year or so.
3. API needs to address variables, ns support, full xpath, 
   include context node, no xslt.
4. the interfaces should be simple and straight forward

Issues outstanding:

1. Three options presently apparent are:
    a) nothing happens for a year 
     and we all hope that the Query WG does what we want; 
    b) the DOM defines an XPath extension; or 
    c) We propose an interim "standard" (a la SAX,perhaps) 
(No present resolution)

2. API should / should not be a part of the dom?
3. API needs to address function extensions?  
4. Pkg name org.w3c.xpath suggested.
5. DOM API to an XML database?
6. API  must/should be language *independent* for W3C soa.

Other areas of influence who need to be kept informed.
1. Schema wg 
2. XSLT (style wg?)
4. Query WG.

What have I missed?

Regards, DaveP

Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2000 16:32:11 UTC