- From: Bas de Bakker <bas@x-hive.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 16:04:41 +0200
- To: www-dom-ts@w3.org
Hi, I've been running the latest release of the DOM level 3 core tests (20040405) on our DOM implementation and there are several tests that I think are incorrect. Below are some comments pasted from my wrapper code. I hope this is of use. Regards, Bas de Bakker X-Hive Corporation // The test creates an attribute with entity reference 'gamma', which according to the DTD has // the value γ and expects it to contain 'Texas'. "documentadoptnode16", // The spec allows returning null if adopting a node is not supported, but this test uses the // return value without checking. "documentadoptnode24", // This test sets a text node in an element that is not declared as having element content to a // string of spaces and then expects isElementContentWhitespace to become true. There is no // indication whatsoever in the spec that this should happen and it seems wrong, as the element // is not declared as having element content. "domconfigurationcansetparameter06", // These tests call cloneNode on a document, which the spec says is implementation dependent. "documentgetinputencoding04", "documentgetxmlencoding05", // Test attempts to add a second document element. "documentnormalizedocument10", // Test retrieves an element by tagname "acronym" and expects its nodename to be "address". "documentnormalizedocument11", // This test assumes that adoptNode() succeeds (does not return null), which is not required. "documentrenamenode09", // This test assumes that using a qualified name of ::0; throws a NAMESPACE_ERR, while we throw // an INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR due to the semicolon as in my reading of the spec. "documentrenamenode19", // The spec says that typeinfo gives the member type definition if it exists (as it does in the // tests), but the tests expect the (non-member) type definition. "elementgetschematypeinfo02", "elementgetschematypeinfo07", // This test seems to assume that setAttributeNS and setIdAttributeNS can be used with "*" as // the uri to use any uri, but the spec says no such thing. Actually, the test creates two // attributes with the same name but different URIs and then retrieves an attribute by simple // name. It assumes it will get one of the attributes, but finds and then tests another. "elementsetidattributens05", // The test checks that the length of the value of the first 'code' element is 18, while it is // only 15. "infoset03", // Test creates a level 1 node, while namespaces is (by default) true, so normalizeDocument // signals an error that the test does not expect. "infoset07", // Test says that documents with only different encoding should be unequal according to // Node.isEqualNode(), but the spec says to ignore unmentioned attributes of which this is one. "nodeisequalnode03", // These tests have DocumentBuilderSettings that include (first) schemaValidating and (later) // validating. LSDocumentBuilderFactory therefore sets the schema-type to XML Schema and then // overwrites it with DTD. Consequently, the tests load a document without XML Schema validation // and getting the TypeInfo information fails. "typeinfogettypename03", "typeinfogettypename04", "typeinfogettypenamespace01", "typeinfogettypenamespace03", "typeinfogettypenamespace04", // The spec says that the TypeInfo interface gives the namespace and name of the _member_ type // definition if it exists. These tests test that it equals the (non-member) type definition. "typeinfoisderivedfrom15", "typeinfoisderivedfrom16", "typeinfoisderivedfrom17", "typeinfoisderivedfrom18", "typeinfoisderivedfrom19", "typeinfoisderivedfrom21", "typeinfoisderivedfrom40", "typeinfoisderivedfrom41", // This test casts a return value of Element.getSchemaTypeInfo (a TypeInfo) to Element. "typeinfoisderivedfrom65",
Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2005 14:04:49 UTC