Bugs 1840 and 1841: HTMLBaseElement01 and HTMLBaseElement02

I've logged and committed changes for two bugs related to  
HTMLBaseElement01 and 02 in the HTML DOM test suite.  The test  
documents (level1/html/files/base.* and level1/html/files/base2.*)  
each contain a BASE element which is the subject of the test, but  
there was no compensation for the effect of the BASE element on  
relative URLs.

Bug 1840 (http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1840)  
involved only the self-hosted HTML and XHTML production.  In those  
productions, script elements are inserted into the test document to  
produce a page that will run the test on load and modify the DOM to  
display a success or failure message.  The tests scripts would not be  
executed since the inserted script elements were resolved relative to  
"about:blank".  The resolution was to modify the build.xml to fix the  
generated pages for those two tests to insert the script.

Bug 1841 ((http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=1841)  
involved the level1/html/files/base2.* test document which had  
references to "right.png" and "w3c_main.png".  Due to the BASE  
element, there references were resolved relative to "about:blank"  
which caused Safari to complain.  Since the resolution of these  
images were unrelated to the objective to the test, I've removed the  
SRC attributes from the frame to remove the offending relative URL's.

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2005 16:54:14 UTC