[GUMP@lsd]: domts/dom1 failed

To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For help 
understanding the request please visit 
and/or contact general@gump.apache.org.

Project dom1 has an issue affecting its community integration, and has been outstanding for 7 runs. The current state is 'Failed', for reason 'Pre-Build Failed'

Full details are available at: http://lsd.student.utwente.nl/gump/domts/dom1.html, however some snippets follow:

-  -  -  -  - -- -- ------------------------------------ G U M P

Gump provided these annotations:

 - Warning - Jar [/data3/gump/domts/build/dom1-core.jar] identifier set to jar basename: [dom1-core.jar]
 - Warning - Jar [/data3/gump/domts/build/junit-run.jar] identifier set to jar basename: [junit-run.jar]
 - Warning - Jar [/data3/gump/domts/build/dom1-html.jar] identifier set to jar basename: [dom1-html.jar]
 - Error - Failed to make directory [/data3/gump/domts/build/java]
 - Error - Failed with reason pre-build failed

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Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 00:56:08 UTC