Re: DOM L3 LS coverage

> It's great to have a DOM Level 3 LS test suite available.  Since it
> contains about 70 odd test cases, any plans to add additional tests and
> fill in coverage gaps if needed?

I have good intentions to adapt some of the recent normalizeDocument 
tests from L3 Core to L3 LS.  Right now there are few or no tests that 
check that configuration parameter settings are effective.  An indirect 
test of LS is to use the TestDefaultLS and TestDefaultLSAltConfig JUnit 
test cases in the other test suites.  There were some unusual test 
failures when driving Xerces using DOM 3 LS vs JAXP for the DOM L3 Core 
test suite, but I haven't investigated them.

My current plan is to update the distribution packaging of all the 
suites, run a grand survey of the existing test suites against as many 
implementations as I can find and then augment L3 LS.

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 23:45:11 UTC