Re: Call for Level 3 tests

Neil Delima wrote:

>We have a couple of DOM L3 Core, test cases written to conform to the
>DOMTSML for possible future inclusion in the DOM L3 test suite.  Some of
>these have to be updated and some probably need to be added in order to be
>in-sync with the latest L3 Core Working Draft.  
If these could be added to the CVS in their present state in the near 
future, I would be happy to get and keep them in synch.  If they can't 
be added shortly, I will start developing tests and I might 
substantially duplicate one of your existing tests which wouldn't be the 
worst thing in the world.

>Support to write tests for
>new interfaces such as TypeInfo, DOMConfiguration, DOMErrorHandler, etc.,
>and testing XML schema instances has probably been added, right?  
I'd expect to that we would need to add DOMTS language elements for each 
caller supplied interface in the drafts (along the lines of EventMonitor 
in the DOM L2 events tests which implements EventListener).  However, 
these have not been added yet and I would assume they would be developed 
concurrently with the tests that would use them.

>issues that might have to be addressed include selectively running tests
>with XML1.1/Namespaces1.1 documents, testing optional DOMConfiguration
>parameters, etc.
After the last teleconference, I'm pretty confident that there will be a 
mechanism to disable XML 1.1 specific tests for implementations that 
only support XML 1.0.  I'm not sure that there is a similar mechanism 
for Namespaces 1.1.

>Neil Delima / IBM / Toronto

Received on Sunday, 26 October 2003 22:47:15 UTC