Load/Save suite and Xerces-J CVS

I've been able to build and run the load and test suite against the 
current CVS of Xerces-J with reasonable results.  I needed to make a 
substantial number of tweaks to the tests and expect to commit them 
tomorrow afternoon.

I needed to add some new language elements to the DOMTS (all subject to 

<getResourceURI var="resourceURI" href='"staff"'/>

This generates a string containing the URL for the specified test file.  
For the Java binding, this ends up being something like 

<assign var="inputStream" value="outputStream"/>

Assigning an LSOutputStream to an LSInputStream will create a new 
InputStream with the contents of the output stream.

<var name="inputStream" type="LSInputStream" value="3C656C74302F3E"/>
<var name="reader" type="LSReader" value="&lt;elt0/&gt;"/>

If the type is LSInputStream, any value will be interpreted as hex 
representation of the stream.  If type is LSReader, any value will be 
interpreted as a character sequence.  Unfortunately, SAXON 6.5 did not 
appear to like that.

Unintentionately, many of the tests passed an uninitialized LSInput to 
the parse method which resulted in a NullPointerException with 
Xerces-J.  It might be good to have an explicit code for an 
uninitialized LSInput and there should be an test that intentionally 
passes an uninitialized LSInput.

Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 03:11:43 UTC