Table tests for insertRow() (Re: Minutes from telcon 20020920)

> 26. file:///C:/cygwin/home/Administrator/2001/DOM-Test-
> Suite/build/level2/html/ecmascript/tests/HTMLTableElement34.html:HTMLTableElement34
> failed
> Comment: The insertRow() method throws a INDEX_SIZE_ERR DOMException if
> the specified index is greater than the number of rows.
> "HTMLTableElement34"
> Call to assertTrue(boolean) with false
> Johnny: let's match the spec to match IE and we will change Mozilla.

The DOM specifies that this exception should be thrown, doesn't it?
Why change the test, when it's in fact IE that isn't compliant?
Or is this about changing the actual DOM spec? The sentence isn't very

[I just implemented this exception throwing in Konqueror BTW].

> 44. file:///C:/cygwin/home/Administrator/2001/DOM-Test-
> Suite/build/level2/html/ecmascript/tests/HTMLTableSectionElement21.html:HTMLTableSectionElement21
> had an error
> Comment: The insertRow() method inserts a new empty table row. The new
> row is
> inserted immediately before the current indexth row in this section. If
> index is equal to the number of rows in the section, the new row is
> appended.
> Error message is:
> "Invalid argument."
> Johnny: insertRow does not take an index where to put. it takes an
> existing and insert it (before or after).
> Brad: it says it takes an index ... default value is -1 which happen at
> the end of the collection.
> Brad: to add at the end, specify -1 or the length of the row.
> Johnny: let's do some testing and update the spec.
> Brad: will check with my team. for deleteRow, we return Invalid argument
> if there is no row.  for insertRow, we always append it.
> ACTION: Johnny to look at insertRow/deleteRow.

This is a bug in this test!
It says it will "invoke the insertRow() method with an index of two"
but it does        newRow = testNode.insertRow(3);

Thanks for fixing the test.


Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 05:43:40 UTC