

The value attribute specifies the current control value. Retrieve the
value attribute and examine it's value.

> The tests has a <button value="foo">bar</button> and it expects .value
> to be "foo" even if the button is displayed with the text "bar" in it.
> Mozilla returns "bar" and IE returns "foo".

not quite: Mozilla returns "foo", IE returns its default value.

Expected Reset Disabled Button (string) but was Reset (string)

This seems to be an IE6 bug:

 the HTML spec says:
  value = cdata [CS]
   This attribute assigns the initial value to the button.

 the IE documentation says:
  value Property
   <ELEMENT VALUE=sValue...>
   String that specifies or receives the value for the control.
   if INPUT type=reset, the default value is "Reset".
       it represents the button label.

I tried with the test at [1]. Note that the bug in Mozilla who doesn't
changed the button label after the first alert window (but even if the
value property is correct).



Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 16:20:11 UTC