Re: Switching to Ant 1.5?

I was able to successfully run "ant dom2-html-dist".  I 
was still getting a memory error when I set ANT_OPTS to -Xmx100m  
so I set ANT_OPTS to -Xmx1000m and it ran successfully.

I unzipped the and was able to run
the ecmascript tests in both Mozilla and IE.
I also was able to run the java tests.

I ran the tests by executing the following command
when I was in the java directory:

java -classpath dom2-html.jar junit.textui.TestRunner org.w3c.domts.level2.html.TestXercesHTML

Before I could run the tests I had to put Curt's modified xmlParserAPIs.jar
and xercesImpl.jar in the java directory and also had to add 
the xhtml1-*.dtd  and xhtml*.ent files to the dom2-html.jar file.

The xhtml* files were in the ecmascript/tests directory when 
the file was unzipped.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Curt Arnold 
  To: Rick Rivello 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 10:54 PM
  Subject: Re: Switching to Ant 1.5?

  Yep that one is touchy and approaches the default maximum heap size.  I could run it with Ant 1.5, but not with Ant 1.4.  If you are running a Sun JVM, you should be able to control the maximum heap size by setting environment variable ANT_OPTS to -Xmx100m.  (60m or less on my machine will cause the build to fail).

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2002 10:14:47 UTC