Re: Demo DOM Core 1, DOM Core 2, DOM HTML 2 TS using jsUnit 1.3.0

Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> I tried to run Bob's tests on my Windows XP and didn't have lots of
> success unfortunately.
> I wasn't able to try with Mozilla 1.0.1 but both Mozilla 1.0 and 1.1
> didn't run the tests.
> IE6 becomes unstable when running the tests for Core (it crashed after 2
> or 3 retries) but I managed to obtain a result for DOM level 2 HTML (see
> attachment). That is interesting data for the WG since it shows that
> some types in IE6 don't match the ones in the CR of DOM level 2 HTML.
> There are some uppercase/lowercase issue as well and some of them are
> probably errors in the tests themselves. A tagName will "BODY" if the
> document was HTML 4, and "body" if the document was XHTML 1. If someone
> has the output results from Mozilla 1.0.1, I'd like to have a look at
> them.
> Curt mentioned that createHTMLDocument and contentDocument tests were
> missing so I started to work on them. I have 2 for createHTMLDocument
> but are not able to test them for the moment unfortunately.
> Philippe


When you run the test with Mozilla, try it with a fresh profile to make 
sure you haven't disabled features that are required for the framework 
such as opening windows, setting status bar, etc.  To create a new 
profile, start mozilla like this:

mozilla -profileManager

After you create a fresh profile, can you run the standard jsUnit tests at

If you can not run the standard tests, open the JavaScript Console 
(Tools->Web Developer->JavaScript Console) and copy/paste the error 
messages into an email and send them to me please.

If you can run the standard jsUnit tests, please try the demo dom ts 
with Mozilla again. If it fails to run, please use the JavaScript 
Console and send me the error messages.

When you ran the DOM Core 1/2 tests with IE6 which implementation did 
you use? native? MSXML 3 or 4? Which suite did you run? What version of 
MSXML do you have installed? You can find the msxml*.dll files in 
c:\winnt\system32\. Right click them and choose properties then the 
version tab.

If no one else has the test results available, I will post them later today.


Received on Thursday, 27 June 2002 15:41:29 UTC