Re: Demo DOM Core 1, DOM Core 2, DOM HTML 2 TS using jsUnit 1.3.0

Just to confuse things, I've been busy the last few days too. 
 Hopefully, Bob can reconcile these, but right now we are diverging.

I wasn't satisified with the test format in Bob's previous offering 
since it didn't look much like a JUnit test and possible involved 
putting stuff in JSUnit that was DOM Test suite aware (not sure about 
that).  JUnit had (but JSUnit didn't) have the concept of a TestCase 
class.  In most cases, you just let the framework create TestCase 
objects that invoked your "test" methods by reflection.  However, you 
could create your own classes derived from TestCase as we do in the Java 

In my variant of Bob's previous JSUnit, I've added an equivalent to the 
JUnit TestCase class.  The generated tests override the setUp, runTest 
and tearDown methods of the test class.  The tweaks I added are the 
ability for the setUp method to mark the test as ignored (for example, 
if the test requires entity expansion and the implementation doesn't 
support it) or not ready (for async loading).

Here is a sample of a test body:

   function attrname_runTest()  {
    var doc;
      var addressList;
      var testNode;
      var attributes;
      var streetAttr;
      var name;
      doc = this.builder.load(this.doc, "doc", "staff");
      addressList = doc.getElementsByTagName("address");
      testNode = addressList.item(1);
      attributes = testNode.attributes;

      streetAttr = attributes.getNamedItem("street");
      name = streetAttr.nodeName;

       name =;


function attrname_setUp() {
    var attrs = [  ];
    var features = [  ];
    this.builder = getBuilder(this, null, attrs, features);
    if (!this.ignored) {
        this.ready = this.ready && !this.builder.async;
        this.doc = this.builder.startLoad("doc", "staff");

function attrname_tearDown() {
    this.doc = null;

function suite() {
    var test = new DOMTestCase("attrname");
    test.runTest = attrname_runTest;
    test.tearDown = attrname_tearDown;
    test.setUp = attrname_setUp;
    return test;

The getBuilder() will cause the test to be ignored if the attributes and 
features are not compatible with the builder.  I've written a few 
different builder implementations (MSXML, DOM 3 LS, Mozilla 
document.load and an <iframe> loader).  To change builders currently you 
have to modify DOMTestSuite.js.

  function getBuilder(test, contentType, attributes, features) {
//    return new MSXMLBuilder(test, contentType, attributes, features, 
//      return new DOM3XMLBuilder(test, contentType, attributes, features);
//      return new MozillaXMLBuilder(test, contentType, attributes, 
      return new IFrameBuilder(test, "text/html", attributes, features);

This setting uses the IFrameBuilder to load .html documents.  Replace 
"text/html" with contentType to load .xml documents.

I was not able to get notified when I trying to add an iframe 
dynamically with document.writeln(), however it seems simpler to just 
generate the <iframe> elements into the test HTML files.

Document loading is performed by two calls, startLoad() in setUp and 
load() in runTests.

I've also added jsUnitCore.js to the files included in testRunner.html. 
 That allows tests that want to avoid path dependencies to access 
jsUnitCore methods by using top.assertEquals(), etc.

I've run the DOM L1 Core and L1 HTML tests with Mozilla 1.0 for both XML 
and HTML documents.  Currently DOMTestSuite.js is hacked to suppress 
tests that use the extended interfaces (now marked with 
hasFeature("XML",""), since Mozilla XML doesn't attempt to parse the 
document type declaration.  The majority of failures are due to failing 
to throw an exception.

Unfortunately, I was not able to run the tests on Microsoft Interface 
Explorer.  When the first test failed, I would get an exception not 
captured message even though the runTest method was clearly within the 
scope of a try/catch block.  It is possible that I dorked something on 
my machine settings that is causing it to act that way.

Modifications to the tests fell into these categories:

DOM L1 Core tests that depended on extended interfaces (CDataSection, 
Entity, EntityReference, etc) were marked as requiring 
hasFeature("XML","") as true.

Changed ignoreCase to "auto" on L1 Core hc_* tests and L1/L2 HTML tests 
where HTML implementations are expected to return uppercase.

Changed some bad expected values on HTMLParam01 and 02.

My hacked version of JSUnit is

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 04:21:02 UTC