Re: Action items status

>  All,
>  I'd like to do a survey on how things stand in order to estimate how 
>  much more work we need before being able to release the next version of 
>  the DOM TS. Most activity of late has been in connection with HTML 
>  tests, and not so much the DOM TS framework.
 > 1. HTML. What is the count of tests for L1/2? Have they been checked for 
> correctness?
    There are currently 521 tests committed for DOM Level 1 HTML and
    537 tests committed for DOM Level2 HTML.  I've been using Curt's 
    JsUnit 1.3.0 alpha TestRunner to run the tests and have been able
    to run the tests on both IE and Mozilla.
    I do have a question. There are some tests in level 2 that I'm not sure
    if I should commit to level 1.  An example is the exception tests for
    insertRow() and deleteRow() methods in the TableElement interface. 
    The DOM Level 1 spec does not mention anything
    about the exceptions  however the DOM Level1 Second Edition does.
    Do I include these tests in the Level 1 suite?

Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 10:39:13 UTC