Release preparation (need other eyes on classloader issue)

I've updated build.xml to download the new DOM 3 Core and AS/LS working drafts and moved the .patch files into a patches directory.

I spent some time trying to get the test suite runnable from the JUnit GUI test runners.  Unfortunately, I'm running into ClassNotFound at run time.  If any of you are masters of the Java class loaders and can diagnose the situation, I would appreciate it.

The idea is that you would be able to do something like:

java -jar junit-run.jar

and would be able to select a TestSuite for the spec, parser and configuration that interests you.  (Only org.w3c.domts.level1.core.TestDefaultParser is implemented now, but would expect to have many similar classes if we can get this working)

However, if you just do that, you will get a ClassNotFound error for DOMTestSink which should have automatically been on the classpath from the junit-run manifest (in dom1-core.jar)

I also updated the snapshoted to remove the .xml extension.  Generating that test would typically break Xalan, so a version prepared by Saxon is copied instead.  But I hadn't updated the copy since the media type changes.

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2002 01:53:10 UTC