Re: createEntityReference issues in DOM L1 test suite

As we have official wording from the DOM WG on the issue on entities 
raised earlier by D. Brownell, I propose to proceed and release the DOM 
TS Level 1 Core while waiting for the Mozilla HTML tests and re-release 
the DOM Level 1 "complete" TS.

Are there any issues with this proposal?

Kind regards,


On Thursday, January 24, 2002, at 06:52 , Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:

> Regarding entities in DOM...
> In DOM Level 1, as long as the entity node is available, calling
> createEntityReference or having the entity reference node provided by 
> the
> parser will produce the same entity reference node with equal children 
> (equal
> with regards to the isEqualNode relation).
> This is not true for DOM Level 2 if you have namespaces.
> the namespaceURI attribute might have different values:
> [[
> In a document with no namespaces, the child list of an EntityReference 
> node is
> always the same as that of the corresponding Entity. This is not true 
> in a
> document where an entity contains unbound namespace prefixes.
> ]]
> Level-3-Core-20020114/core.html#Namespaces-Considerations
> So as long as the parser provides the entity nodes, you'll be able to
> test the read-only aspect of the children of the entity reference nodes 
> by
> using the createEntityReference. If the entity reference does not have 
> children
> even if there is an entity node, this is an error.
> Philippe

Received on Sunday, 27 January 2002 22:21:16 UTC