Re: Nearly there

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dimitris Dimitriadis" <>
To: "Mary Brady" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: Nearly there

> > 1. HTML tests. Given an earlier thread, there was some confusion about
> > these tests. The tests that are committed now are level 2 HTML tests
> > only, and if I understand correctly, some of them could be used as
> > Level1 HTML tests as well. If this is the case, we should come up with a
> > mechanism to do this, perhaps by submitting slightly altered tests, or
> > in the trasnform of the source.
> >
> > [mb] We'll see if we can provide a summary of substantive changes from
> > level1 to level2.
> [dd] To get things straight, then, this would mean that we can use the
> tests that are not that different between levels as level 1 tests?

[mb] Yes, the vast majority of the tests can also be used as level 1 tests
the HTML Module.  This still does not solve the issue of having HTML
tests for core.

> > [mb] I think Lofton Henderson wrote a test writer's manual for svg that
> > I remember being reasonable.  Maybe we can take some things from it.
> > Here's the link...
> >
> >
> >
> [dd] I'm working with Lofton in the QA group, I'll see if there's an
> easy transition from that document to our test suite family. I suspect
> it takes an equal amount of time to write a new document for our
> purposes, since we have a different approach. I'll look into it over the
> next few days.

[mb] That may very well be true.  What would you like to see covered in
this document?  I can see two possibilites -- how to take a portion of the
spec, identify what can be tested, and set about building tests for it.  I
could also envision a section on the steps that should be taken after a
test is written in xml.

Any thoughts?


> /Dimitris

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 11:30:44 UTC