Re: Nearly there

[mb] comments inlined.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dimitris Dimitriadis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:29 AM
Subject: Nearly there

> A happy new year to all of you.
> As we are going to release the DOM TS this month, as reported to this 
> list and the DOM WG in previous mails, I'd like to put a few, still 
> pending items, to the table:
> 1. HTML tests. Given an earlier thread, there was some confusion about 
> these tests. The tests that are committed now are level 2 HTML tests 
> only, and if I understand correctly, some of them could be used as 
> Level1 HTML tests as well. If this is the case, we should come up with a 
> mechanism to do this, perhaps by submitting slightly altered tests, or 
> in the trasnform of the source.
[mb] We'll see if we can provide a summary of substantive changes from 
level1 to level2.

> Also, we've had information from Netspace indicating that contacts have 
> been made to see if Netscape would be interested in submitting theur 
> existing tests to our framework. To we have an update on this? What 
> would be the approximate time needed?
> 2. Documentation. What we have is:
> - General homepage
> - FAQ
> - Build instructions
> What we will have soon is:
> - Matrix of existing tests (as soon as we resolve the HTML issue) [dd]
> - Schema documentation [dd]
> - "How to write tests" document, I do not anticipate to coved all 
> aspect, perhaps this is a chapter in the previous document, in any case 
> we should have something for implementors to use while writing tests 
> (especially for levels 2 and 3). [dd -help appreciated]

[mb] I think Lofton Henderson wrote a test writer's manual for svg that 
I remember being reasonable.  Maybe we can take some things from it.
Here's the link...

> I can't think of any other items, if I've forgotten something, please 
> advise.
> I take the items indicated by [dd], anyone volounteer for some of the 
> others?
> Best,
> /Dimitris

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2002 14:34:43 UTC