Help wanted: A xslt transform for tests to HTML

If anyone else would like to take it upon themselves to write a little XSLT
transform that would produce a reasonable HTML representation of a test
definition in the next day or two, it would be appreciated.  Not anything
remotely as complex as test-to-java.xsl.

Quick requirements:

Output should be valid HTML

Should be compatible with styles already used for test matrix, etc.

Assertion elements should be addressable using a URL fragment, for example, 

<assertEquals id="nameEqual" actual="name" expected='"newname"'/>

Should be converted into something like:

<a id="nameEqual">&lt;assertEquals id="nameEqual"...&gt;</a>

Metadata links should have hyperlinks:


Should be converted to:

&lt;subject resource="<a href="http://...">http:...</a>"/&gt;

You'd probably want to lift the de-Xpointerizing logic from test-matrix.xsl
so that exception clause references point to the attribute or method and not
an Xpointer that would not be interpreted by current browsers.

I may try to write a simple test page harness this weekend and having this
transform would make it easy to link to the appropriate assertion failure in
the test definition and give me one less thing to do.

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 15:47:41 UTC