Re: My stab at a distribution

I'm hoping to be able to announce a release this week too, I think we 
still have the following issues:

1. JsUnit (should we release the DOM TS with patches or wait for a 
proper JsUnit release?)
2. Update the documentation (after the recent CVS changes, I need to 
look at .../DOM/Test/build.html to change the indication there)
3. Doxygen (some links in matrix.html still don't work), I'll look into 
it asap and report back to the list.

I'd postpone the CVS rework until just after the release of the DOM TS.


On Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 04:12 , Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:

> It seems to me that there is a need to stabilize the CVS tree before the
> release. We cannot release the DOM Test Suite unless it is stable and
> having a DOM Test Suite not released is not very useful for the
> end-users. If the test suite does not work for one browser in the first
> release, it is not really a big deal and we might get help to support
> it. Following recent changes, I'm now wondering how far we are from a
> release. Curt, Dimitris, how ready are we for a release? I was hoping to
> announce the release this week...
> Philippe

Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2002 10:35:35 UTC