Automated dist process (was: My stab at a distribution)

I very much like the idea of automating the distribution process. 
However, we need to prioritize the release, at least for this iteration, 
and given that there are a series of things introduced by Curt's latest 
work (filenames, etc) I propose to focus on releasing a stable version 
of the TS and concentrate on finalizing the details of the latest 
commits later (which I will certainly help in doing)

Among those are:

1. Patches for JsUnit as opposed to an official release. I presume this 
will be taken care of once JsUnit reaches 1.2.7.
2. index.htm on the CVS. I don't see the point for this, except if we 
manage to automate title, date creation (releases will vary as to when 
they are released) and other things to make it relevant for the 
particular distribution created
3. As indicated in a previous email, filenames are garbled in the 
ecmascript directory
4. Pictures, stylesheets, scripts, licenses and so forth; if they are to 
be included in every distribution, fair enough. Otherwise they should be 
taken out of the CVS.

And as a general remark, I think we need to to a CVS cleanup, there's 
still files that have caused problems as well as unused directories 
(files/ for example) as well as move _all_ of the patch, sed and doxygen 
files into a separate directory.


Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2002 08:26:50 UTC