Re: Documentation and

Phillipe Le Hegaret wrote:
> I got 3/4 javascript warnings in the console but it worked.

Unfortunately, that was the only way I could find to fake a synchronous
parse with Mozilla.

> Running the Java tests:
> - add "junit-run.jar is in dist/"
>   (java -jar dist/junit-run.jar)
> - if I run java -jar junit-run.jar in dist/, the program output:
>  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementation

That should be described as an expected exception if you don't have a parser
in the classpath.

>   move the sentence "The parser must be put in the dist directory"
>  before the command line.
> - Once I got the interface, I don't see anything to select. If I put
> org.w3c.domts.level1.core.TestXerces or ...AltConfig, it keeps saying
> "failed to invoke suite():java.lang.NoSuchMethodError". I do have
> xerces.jar in dist/ ...
>  I looked into dom1-core.jar and this class doesn't seem to exist?

The first way described to run the tests should be:

java -jar dom1-core.jar

Which will run all tests in two modes on the default JAXP parser and print
results to the console.

The "TestXerces" and other classes are JUnit specific and therefore are
located in junit-run.jar.  JUnit's GUIs don't populate the combo box (at
least for us), but do remember previous entries.

I haven't seem that message before, it would indicate that the class was
loaded, but the suite method doesn't exist which should not be the case.
Any more diagnosis you could provide would be appreciated.

> Copyight: (s/Copyight/Copyright)
> please provide a link to
> a copy of this file in the package? (similar to the one included
> in the DOM specs packages)
> missing section "How to contribute"?

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 11:14:12 UTC