Status check

Things have been pretty quiet here the last few weeks.  I know that I have
been preoccupied with completing taxes and other fun stuff.  Could we have a
quick poll on everyone's activities?  I'm particular interested in the
status of ASLS tests and HTML-compatible versions of the core tests.

I'm currently migrating the xmlconf event tests over to DOMTSML.  Getting
the events tests working is a good preliminary for the load/save tests which
will have to deal with the same type of issues.  Hopefully, will be able to
commit some stuff in the next few days.

I've not been following the JSUnit enhancements.  It would be really
stellar, if selecting a test in the test runner page could display a test
specific configuration dialog in a frame or other window.  That would
provide an opportunity to configure the test by selecting the processor to
use, whether to validate, etc. 

Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 13:52:50 UTC