jsUnit 1.3.0 alpha

I have been working with Edward Hieatt on producing the next release of 
jsUnit which will incorporate improved cross browser support along with 
the ability to perform asynchronous pre-tests, asynchronous document 
loading and provide the ability to explicitly expose test page test 
function names.

Links to a zip file and an online test version of jsUnit 1.3.0 alpha are 
available from http://bclary.com/. We have already made several changes 
in order to increase support for IE 5.1 on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. It is 
very important that we identify the major remaining cross browser 
support issues soon so that the API, function names, etc. can be frozen 
while the remaining work is completed.

I would like to ask everyone who has alternative browsers to test this 
latest version of jsUnit and provide feedback on what browsers/operating 
systems were tested and whether any parts of jsUnit are not supported.

Since jsUnit will continue to be used in the DOM TS it is important that 
it support as many browsers as possible which meet it's base 
requirements of HTML 4.01, ECMAScript 262-3rd Edition (JavaScript 1.4) 
and DOM 0 support.

I have also set up a MailMan discussion list where you can provide 
feedback on the results of your tests which are specific to jsUnit and 
are not related to the DOM TS.


Received on Monday, 15 April 2002 16:06:14 UTC