RE: [Action Items] Top priority (Revision period, ECMA transform, Harness, Packaging)

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Jason Brittsan wrote:

> I've reviewed many of the ECMAScript files you mentioned... I don't see
> any glaring problems that would prevent them from running in any
> environment, but it's very difficult to be sure without running each
> one.
> I'm not aware of any tools that check ECMAScript syntax outside of the
> browser, but if I come across one, I'll inform the list.

I've written a small, portable C++ parser that can be run standalone and
has a checkSyntax() method. It's just that the information in case of an
error is not too sophisticated (position, expected token). Tell me if I
should make a package available.


Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2001 13:34:21 UTC